Friday, May 20, 2005


Welcome to our holiday blog, the purpose of which is to provide an on-going travelogue for our frinds and family of our 6-week trip to Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong.

We'll try and get some photos up during the trip as well, I'll be taking my laptop and new digital camera so we should have the chance to upload some pics.

My mobile should be working whilst we're away, and we should have access to e-mail during the trip. As an alternative, you can post comments directly to the blog.

We suggest you check back at least once a week to watch our progress.

In the immortal words of Ron Pickering then... "Away you go!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bonjour !
I will be following you from my confortable seat.

2:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you're having a wonderful time - I want to see photos of NZ ! I miss the place.
Sorry I missed you before you went.
Speak soon and I'll keep watching.

2:45 pm  

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